What is stimulants addiction?

What are stimulants?

Cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine abuse, so called recreational drugs, may led to stimulants addiction.

Stimulants, also known as “uppers”, refer to several groups of drugs that tend to increase alertness, elevate blood pressure and increase hart rate and respiration, as well as increase physical activity or energy. Some people use stimulants to counteract the drowsiness or “down” feeling caused by sleeping pills or alcohol. The up/down cycle is extremely hard on the body and dangerous.

Costs of cocaine are very high, therefor, cocaine addiction causes financial issues.

Amphetamines, cocaine, and caffeine are all stimulants. Historically stimulants were used to treat asthma, obesity, and now are more commonly prescribed for the treatment of narcolepsy, ADHD, and depression that has not responded to other forms of treatment. Amphetamines include three closely related drugs- amphetamine, dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine and Adderall), and methamphetamine. Street names include “speed”, “white crosses”, “uppers”, “dexies”, “bennies”, and “crystal”.

What are the warning signs of stimulants addiction?

In addition to physical effects, people report feeling restless, anxious, and moody. Higher doses intensify the effect, and the user can become excited, talkative, and have a false sense of confidence and power. Prolonged use can result in psychosis: seeing, hearing, and feelings things that do not exist (hallucinations), having irrational thoughts or beliefs (delusions), and feeling as someone is following them and wants to hurt them. This is called paranoia.. 

As with other drugs, stimulants can become addictive. Physical withdrawal may occur when discontinuing use. Withdrawal may include: fatigue, depression, and sleep disturbances.

What are the effects of amphetamines?


The short-term effects of stimulants include:

  • exhaustion
  • apathy
  • depression—the “down” that follows the “up.”
    It is this immediate and lasting exhaustion that quickly leads the stimulant user to want the drug again. Soon he is not trying to get “high,” he is only trying to get “well”—to feel any energy at all.


Stimulants can be addictive. Repeated high doses of some stimulants over a short period can lead to feelings of hostility or paranoia. Such doses may also result in dangerously high body temperatures and an irregular heartbeat.

Amphetamines increase heart and breathing rates and blood pressure, dilate pupils, and increase appetite. In addition the user, may experience dry mouth, sweating, headache, blurred vision, dizziness, sleeplessness, and anxiety. Extremely high doses can cause users to flush or become pale, have irregular heartbeat, tremors, loss of coordination, and even physical collapse.

Long-term heavy use can lead to malnutrition, skin disorders, ulcers, various diseases related to vitamin deficiency, lack of sleep, weight loss, depression, brain damage that can result in speech and thought disturbance. Amphetamine injection can create a sudden increase in blood pressure that can lead to death from stroke, very high fever, or heart failure. Injection can also cause lung or heart disease, kidney damage, or infection from non-sterile equipment or needle use.

Signs of cocaine addiction

The short-term physiological effects of cocaine use include constricted blood vessels, dilated pupils; and an increase in body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure.

Heavy users of cocaine can also suffer from “cocaine psychosis”, a condition which causes paranoia, confusion, depression and hallucinations. Cocaine addicts can become irrational (e.g. hard to talk to) and aggressive and can experience the sensation of bugs crawling under their skin. Users may also experience tremors, vertigo, and muscle twitches.

Using cocaine creates the impression of increasing performance at work but it soon leads to a decrease in performance. A cocaine addiction can be very expensive. Therefore, cocaine addiction can lead to further crime to support the habit. It tends to damage relationships with family and friends.

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Contact us at refindyourway@gmail.com to get more information.

Stimulants Addiction